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Why the Third Eye Appeared | Third Eye Explained

Marvel comics

Throughout multiverse of madness there are three instances when doctor strange has a third eye.

The first is when doctor strange from the main MCU reality fights sinister strange and we see a third eye appear on the forehead of sinister strange.

The second is at the very end of the movie when doctor strange from the main MCU reality drops to his knees in pain just before the third eye appears on his forehead.

We see the third eye again during the first post-credit scene when it appears stephen can use it at will without any pain.

There are two different meanings for this. Within the context of the movie the third eye represents corruption by the darkhold anyone who uses the darkhold will face consequences. Scarlet witch was made to believe she could get her kids back and the darkhold made her think that killing people for them was okay.

Wanda did a lot of bad things in one dimension but there was generally a line she tried not to cross. The darkhold removed that line and bodies were flying left and right if anyone stood in wanda's way. Sinister strange was also corrupted by the darkhold. It made him seek out christine palmer with the same murderous intent that wanda sought out her children. He even killed every steven strange he came across throughout the multiverse. In this instance it seems as though the dary.

Also causes the third eye to appear as a visual representation of the darkhold's corruption.

This didn't happen to wandjBut it's always nice to see him get an additional power bump with some major villains on the horizona because she's a nexus being and meant to have the darkhold.

Comic Version For the Third Eye

In the comics one of doctor strange's most commonly used relics is the eye of agamotto. In the MCU this house the time stone and Strange use it throughout multiverse of madness.When doctor strange uses the eye of agamotto in the comics a third eye usually appears on his forehead just like the third eye seen in multiverse of madness.

You can make the argument that sinister strange's third eye was more about darkhold corruption, but when it comes to the main mcu stephen strange this is a sign he's powering up.

Given how he had to dreamwalk and cause an incursion just to have a chance at defeating scarlet witch steven strange powering up is a welcome enhancement. However since strange was not actively using the eye of agamotto when his third eye appeared this could also be a sign that the darkhold is taking its toll on him.

It's possible that in the future stephen may struggle with evil thoughts or have less of a moral compass but since the darkhold has been destroyed it's unlikely to have any lasting effects and this is more than likely a sign that steven is now a more powerful sorcerer. So what does all this mean. It's basically just another tool steven can use in the future. 

He's already been using the eye of agamotto in almost every MCU film. So this new third eye is more about strange just becoming a more powerful sorcerer and closer to his power levels in the comics.

What do you think of doctor strange's new eye.
