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Who is Following Saul and Kim | Season 6

Who is Following Saul Goodman and Kim Wexler?

And the episode ends with another twist in that someone appears to be following them in a car once they leave the Kettle man's residence.

So who could this be? Well it’s safe to believe that this isn’t Howard, nor even Lalo, because when he speaks with Hector and decides they need proof, Lalo is unaware that Saul has evidence towards Gus being involved in transporting Lalo to Mexico.

So whoever is following Saul and Kim, the only person I suspect that it could be is Gus or one of his men, probably Mike. With Gus discovering that Lalo is still alive he needs to directly take action to ensure the attempt on Lalo's life is not connected to him. So I think in the next episode Saul and Kim will be transported by one of Gus's men to speak with him directly and try and sort out everything that is up against them.

Also, the same car is owned by Mike so it definitely looks like it's either him or one of Fring's men. The show's plotlines have truly come together and so have Saul and Gus.

Gus Fring Vs The Cartel and Is Nacho Dead?

And speaking of one of those other plotlines, we come back to the question of Nacho's survival. This of course brewed a certain feud between that of Gus Fring and Mike Ehrmantraut as a result of the circumstances that unfold.

Nacho is discovered by the Salamanca twins shortly after he suspects that Gus has basically left him there to die as a form of creating peace with the Salamanca, but we learn that when they attack, the cartel needs Nacho alive since they don’t know who ordered the hit. Of course Lalo and his Uncle suspect and probably think it's Gus, but they want the proof.

While Nacho's trying to escape, he crashes his pick-up truck into another vehicle during the gunfight. Nacho isn’t likely to be dead of course, because Mike receives a call during his showdown with Fring after the shootout occured, and he's probably in cartel custody. He informs Gus that he has received a call from Nacho and that he wishes to speak with him, and we know that now, everything is about to kick off between Gus and the cartel.

And if the Salamanca believe that Gus was the one who ordered the hit, then they will of course go after him. And this would complicate things because the cartel's leader, Eladio, quite admires the Los Pollos Hermanos boss, but I'm sure that will come to and end with the process of betrayal. We'll have to see what happens, but as I said, I think this is where Gus gets in Saul because of the evidence and this will really collide everything we've seen so far into even more dangerous territory.

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