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Spy X Family Review | Could be Anime of the Year | Pink Man |

This will contain minor spoilers for SpyXFamily.

Genre : Action / Comedy 
Running time : 25 mins per episode 
Number of episodes : 3 until now
Imdb Rating : 9 (3.3k users)
My Anime list : 9.1 ( 128k users)

Loid Forger

SpyXFamily is a story which follows our main protagonist Loid Forger aka Twilight. Loid is an illustrious Spy working for his country and is a man of many names ands disguise.

He insanely efficient and fearless, while possessing the skills typically associated with being a spy, meaning he highly intelligent ,trained in hand to hand combat and marksmanship, and a master of disguises, however out of all these traits his ability to pull of different disguises and being able to mimick others to down to their voices and their mannerisms is probably the most impressive. 

However despite Loid great achievements and the fact he the best agent working for his country he about to face his biggest and most difficult mission yet as a spy. Which leads us on to the beginning of the storyline for spyxfamily. Following the completion of one of his missions, Loid is immediately instructed that they have a brand new assignment for him, and being the veteran he is naturally he doesn't seemed phased at the fact that he already has a new mission to undergo, that is, until he learns the detail of said assignment. 

Loid has to get in close to a man named Donovan Desmond who is a leader, for the National Unity party, so he can prevent any form of rebellion from within that may incite problems leading to war with the east and the west. Now the mission itself most likely wouldn't be a problem for Loid, if he didn't need to have a family as a prerequisite.

This is because the target of the mission Donovan Desmond is hard to get in contact with on regular terms, being a man of high standing he extremely wary and lurks in the shadows, furthermore. 

Loid learns that the only times he shows himself is when he makes public appearances at his sons private school named Eden Academy. Meaning that Loid has to get a wife and child within 7 days, so that he can enroll said child into one of the most prestigious schools in the country allowing him to get close to his target and preserving world peace. And his main reason for becoming a spy in the first place was to make a world where kids do not cry, mainly due his own horrible experiences as a child. 

So this mission Loid is undergoing is called operation strix, also might I add that Loid even if he were to be successful in his mission, he would receive no accolades or recognition for his effort, but despite this he still takes the mission without hesitation just showing how dedicated he is too the cause and making the world a better place, he does not do what he does out of self interest. So after accepting the mission loid begins to build his family in order to infiltrate the school.

Anya Forger

Other important characters of the story, who make up the zany and out of the ordinary forger family, each with their own secrets. Of course we have. Loid as the father hiding the fact hes a spy. But next we have Anya forger who is playing the role of the daughter in this mission.

And is honestly the most vital player in this whole operation when you think about it. After Loid excepts the mission he visits an orphanage to see any potential kids that would be able to fit the role of being his child, under the pretense of searching for a kid since he and his wife were unable to have one Loid asks for a child who can already read and write , and the orphanage owner puts forth the smart and most intellectual child in the orphanage anya forward, But anya has a big secret, shes a telepath which she hides from her parents.

Despite being so young Anya has the ability to read minds, being created by accident due to various experiments and having the label of test subject 007, great reference by the way, she managed to escape the facility and has been moving around the system of foster care. 

Anya is a kind hearted child and due to her ability to read minds she often learns of loads of things shes not supposed to which is definitely a problem taking into account the type of people her new parents are, but having never been with a proper family and experiencing proper parental love she tries her best to meet her new parents expectations, as she prepares for the biggest challenge of her life which is Eden academy. Next up we have the mother of the family Yor Forger, and if you thought the Forger family could not be any more insane, taking into account we already have a well renowned spy and a telepath Yor fits right in since shes a Assassin who goes by the name of the Thorn princess. 

Yor Briar

Yor joins the forger family as the mother of anya and wife of Loid, due to the fact she needed to have a boyfriend to present to her brother as a coverup, Yor is not getting any younger and at the age of 27 she feels pressured to make it look like her love life is not a lost cause so her brother won't be worried, and her colleagues definitely don't make her reality easy for her.

But despite Yor's attractive looks and welcoming persona shes a skilled killer who at a young age became a assassin. So after running into Loid at random who was looking for a wife, which was convenient since she was looking for a boyfriend/husband by a strange turn of events, anya, loid and yor ,become a family who are all keeping secrets from one another.

Overall Experience

But how will this story turn out. So with that being said.I give 9 out of 10.And I hope you enjoyed this small introduction to the series that is spy x family.
